- had enough interesting ryo talk today with calpis37 lool yes I am healed again...I don't know if it's in a positive or negative direction though. lol lol I think it's a mix of both..XDD
- watched latest Kanpani and was glad Ryo was beaten a lot..haha yes malicious pleasure is the best. But I felt sorry for Maru ;_; He looked so confused after that guy kicked him in his ass D: Poor Maru baby *hugs*
- watched first episode of yamanade..mahmah..highlight was probably Uchi and Tegoshi disguised after all. Oh they are so beautiful..yes if I had a peen I would do them ;D oeh yeah..that's it probably, didn't do more interesting stuff. What a sad life :O
I think I will stop subbing for a while and concentrate on kanji writing :( like that I will never be a pro...*sighs* so i have to be more strict to myself. Well at least I am patient when it comes to mixi haha. Well there is nothing I can do about it but Calpis ❤❤❤
"What did he do? Then what happened?"
Again digging up info like that It's not of your business,
what other people do – inquisitiveness syndrome
Sinking your teeth into gossip shows,
it's you who's been doing things much worse, isn't it?
Yup, isn't the spirit of curiosity an annoying emotion?
but reading this lyrics Kazuma wrote makes me feel shitty :/ He always writes such nice lyrics and not just about tiredsome LOVE blahblah like which is the maintopic of the whole world's music. Bothersome. .
That's awesome and somehow I think he's so right. End of talk.
Just today it seems my tummy pain is coming all back to me...no no I won't let it win against me..tze
And I think I will also give something else up. It's seriously not worth it o_o
But then again..I might lose something precious to me too :(
The most passionate fake bassist approves that livejournal is working again. YAY!
Wenn ich irgendwann bei JLPT1 angekommen bin sag ich euch bescheid! So in 20 jahren!
Ja ich weiß zwar nicht grad was ich hier grad für Kanji schreiben übe..also was die fürn level haben aber vllt sollt ich doch erstmal ne Chronologie nach Level anstreben. XDDD
Anyway I noticed I know too less about my environment. I don't really know what my stepsis has but she resigned from her job for health reasons. It's not physical thing but still I wonder..and doesn't really tell about it..hmm
being the only hardcore siam shade fan in germany is very relaxing.
Fandom is relaxing too. So far I have never met any dumb fan which made me go "omg..go away please" XD
I think its also a quite matured fandom even though the fans are mostly in my age. Probably like that because the talks are rather focused on the music and it would be kind of weird to talk about 30+ men with "-chan" and "cute" and I don't know..though I have seen that japanese fans are still like that..lol
Of course you could argue with its a rather dead fandom and there is no fanservice and blahblah...but I don't really care, as long as I am focused on them my mood is always quite good and not characterized by entries like the one I wrote before.
And the subbing vids are rather for my own enjoyment and not for others because I know its frustrating to do things for others and then they kick you with their feet. No no I think I should give this up. If I do something I will make at least sure that I do it for my own purpose in the very first place.
And I am loling right now...already 2 entries of the latest jweb? Stop joking with me. It's like with the original entries. I won't believe that they will continue doing it for more than a few weeks. Do it 5 times or whatever. Trying to find out who makes the best translation or what. There is so many stuff which was never translated and they have nothing better do to than this. I wonder what they are thinking. o.o
And dare to stop doing it. For me translating a jweb is a on-going work you do over a long time. For me it's connected with responsibility.
You know I felt always shitty when I couldn't post a translation of the latest jweb because it's like you make people waiting for a long time.
There was no egoistic thought at all in that. And then I wonder...who will do the translations again when they dont feel like doing it anymore.
Me? Am I good enough to do things when no one feels like doing it, huh? Bad joke
It's not like I have fun doing all this directory and everyone knows that I am doing it every week.
So why the fuck does she keep posting her holy shit although she knows that it is a fucking mess if I add it to the list anyway.
Seriously bitch =__= If she wants to she can also do the other shit from now on. (I don't believe she would do it because on longtime it's a lot work) But fine, do whatever you like, I don't care. Because of her I don't even read the jwebs anymore and I don't really care whats written in there either. I think I will just copy the origional to my "place". *yawns*
Ah really imagine you are a mod of a com and do it every week for already one year and then a stupid blaah comes in the com and post the entries without even asking me and not even posting in the style. Even the title is different. God no..burn please burn =_= Even I wouldn't do that if I know another person who does it. That's something which I call respect huh? o_O
No I need bread..bread..bread...and then..I don't know..probably nothing. same day, same boredom, same problems, same hunger, and today is a monday...tzee
Well sometimes I was already called PRO-lurer in Perfect World as I was a Werefox that was my main task.
Now I need to try to use my knowledge about luring for another virtual method.
So I am wondering what is the best way to do.
Usually I always sent my monster and try to lure...well sometimes I failed with the result I had to resent the pet to the monster again.
Or sometimes I had the problem that I was luring wrong and got them all.
Anyway if the monster was alone, it was okay to go to it and attack it but in my other case this might not work.
So I think it might be the best method to just try to lure it as often as I can until it comes by itself and attacking me.
I just need to try as often as I can...hmm...
Well you probably don't get what I mean, but it's good this way XDD
Take me I am your cowboy~ Take me to your town~
Dumb as heaven
Hangin' out just to be your clown
PS: I think I wouldn't write the entry if twitter was working XD
Ach damnit..it makes me even sadder not to be on mixi now where I know that Hideki is there >___<
Why the hell everything which brings him kind of closer to me is CLOSED to me..really saddening.
I wouldn't want to do anything at mixi just that >__<
Where are my soulmates gone who are registered there, you know I was always nice to you and shared my ryo chinese bbs login with you!
But I think no one of my ryo fan soulmates are registered there? T__T tehehe...mad world~
Sometimes I really wish to have registered back then in 2007 when everyone was already into it but I was always thinking: What for? =__=
because every day is a monday! (and that's not my thesis XD)
Oh well..so I didn't spam you yesterday...oh well I think I worked hard enough the day before yesterday so that you can deal with that.
I think nothing happened on monday..it rather was quite senseless...the whole day I enjoyed sleeping...wwww
Oh Yes those wwwws are addicting...but I am far away from understanding the humour of some japanese...Hayato's probably the one I don't understand the humour of at all...he hurt his leg..and so he wrote: "痛い\(^o^)/" What a weird guy...really..pain is joy? XD
And then I thought he's the only one dealing with politics..but Detrox' Mail mag of today told me something different. Seems like Hideki also finds it very important. But they are both PRO OZAWA I think...Yes of course..because Ozawa is in the demecratic fraction. Good for both.
Anyway I don't like Ozawa's opinion towards religions. He either is a buddhist or a kissass..as he said while meeting the buddhist leader:
Democratic Party of Japan Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa said Tuesday that Christianity is an "exclusive and self-righteous religion" after meeting with a Buddhist group leader. "European and U.S. societies with a (historical) background of Christianity are bogged down," the ruling party's No. 2 leader told reporters after meeting Yukei Matsunaga, president of the Japan Buddhist Federation, in Wakayama Prefecture. On Islam, Ozawa said, "It is better than Christianity but it is also exclusive." and praised the buddhism. In my opinion, if you are politician you should use that power properly. I mean, I can probably say that there is at least one part of a religion I don't like, but I am not in such a position. That's why I am sometimes quite glad that I am not a believer, I guess if there weren't any religions there was at least on topic the mankind wouldn't argue about...but then again there are many different ones..like... if Japanese are allowed to catch whales or not. In my opinion they are because why shouldn't they allowed to when the whole world is already killing all kinds of animals just to eat it. There is no difference for me if they eat pork, beef, chicken or fish. It's all the survival of the fittest. That doesn't mean I support all those bad things which are done to all kinds of animals just so that I can eat that meat. If I see such facilities how the animals are treated..it also makes me sad...I don't think it's bad to eat meat..since in the wild nature they also do it...on the other hand, it wouldn't be bad if the mankind would eat lesser of it. Seriously they kill more animals than they need. We don't need to become vegetarian but the amount of meat is just too much...I think that we eat more meat than vegetable...how sad.
Okay now to something less serious...well Siam Shade are a serious topic for me all the time...but a more easy-going topic
Aah...such good times..really...it's like memories which will always feel recent.
Well..I think men in leather clothes are old-fashioned by now...but then...If I see my men like that...it's totally modern.
Maybe it's stupid but..I think there is no hotter clothes than leather for Hideki...and of course fine rib clothes is awesome too..like on Natin in here. XD Anyway I like the song a lot...but the english parts...well some parts in this song made it maybe a little bit weird..
"IN SIDE MOTION" "DEATH SIDE MOTION" well...its created in Hideki's world after all. I guess there was no Tim at that time he could ask XDD
Not to forget..Daita's beautiful hands and guitar <3 anyhow I like the second verse the most..Kazuma's voice is fitting so well for it.
Tonight I was very productive o___o maybe too productive xDDD
but I will promise not to spam today anymore! (just tomorrow maybe XDDDDD)
First was passion of v6..one of the RAWest performance...makes me rawr too XD My favourite part of the song is the TUNA thing.
Makes me glad, seems like many men (like hideki) are frustrated by the fact that japanese women are not full of passion in bed but ..tunas....XD but aaw <3
Second was...well I already translated the lyrics some time ago so it worked out quickly. I love the part when he sings the second time "ピエロが廻る" so beautiful <3333
And then..Moon of v8....ahaha...I know 2 years ago when I was very depressed I was listening to this song so much that I even decided to make a simple moon icon in msn.lol
but I still love the "you are the sun, I am the moon" part. Well hideki never knew what he wanted, like it rough and then again romantic...a rough romance full of passion probably...lool ..as for now..well he's an old man, but we don't care as he still the same as he was..just maybe with 1-2 wrinkles more which we don't see anyway because love makes blind. (and yes I am talking about my other hideki-fangirl friends XD)
But I found it funny tonight when hachan said: "I never knew that Hideki had such beautiful smooth skin Ö_____Ö"
probably because I've never seen Siam Shade performances in such a good quality XDD"