Samstag, 9. Juni 2012

[Hideki's ameblo] 2012-06-09 / 20:06:30

2012-06-09 / 20:06:30
Title: Had enough of sleep!

THE LIVE is over but I rested enough!
Now, I am going to change my feelings all towards the album recording and
I want to give my best.

Also I recorded the promised video,
which I will upload somewhere soon.

Also,  the support members for the live on 23th September (Sunday) for which you can already book
tickets, will be different this time.
That's why I will announce them now again.
It will be Joe-san, K-A-Zkun, Ninji-san and Charlie-san.
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.
LIVE details are covered below.

2012/9/23 (Sunday)

17:00 / 18:00

4,500 yen (1 drink = 500yen extra)

Ticket presale has already started! (until 6/18(Monday) 18:00)

Thanks for telling me your impressions about the live.
Kitajima Ima Burou Sensei already went back home but, the feeling that I failed is still there (laughs)
Because it only made K-A-Zkun laughing wildly, it's okay?
Without getting discouraged, I am going to start passionately with my work now.


original entry

Dinge, die ich wahrscheinlich nie hätte sagen sollen..

Dinge wie
....dass ich nicht mehr die Sprache sprechen werde...
....dass es das letzte mal ist, dass ich schreibe...
....dir zu sagen, dass du anscheinend alles dafür tust, so dass ich dich nich mehr mag...
....dass du mir egal bist

Jedes Wort war gelogen...
man belügt sich selbst ja gern nur weil man die Hoffnung hat, dass man sich dadurch besser fühlt...
...dass man davon loskommt.

Doch letzten Endes ist man wieder genau da wo man am Anfang stand...
Ein Haufen voller Scherben, von dem man glaubt ihn nicht alleine zusammenfegen zu müssen...
man glaubt womöglich sogar, dass jemand kommen würde um all die Scherben wieder zu vereinen..sie zu dem zu machen, was sie vorher waren...

Aber es kommt niemand...

Wann wird man sich aufraffen den Besen in die Hand zu nehmen und alles wegzukehren?
Es sind nur Scherben..nichts als Scherben...selbst wenn in jeder dieser Scherbe eine Erinnerung steckt...

Es is wahr ja...nun nach mehr als einem halben Jahr ist die Erinnerung so verblasst, dass ich glaube es wäre nie passiert. Ich kann es glauben, denn es gibt keinen lebhaften Beweis dafür. Nun...materiell gesehen...gibt es Dinge...wie den grünen Umschlag, der noch immer in meinem Regal liegt...wie sollte ich ihn wegschmeißen kö ist nur ein Umschlag..ein Umschlag...selbst wenn ich mir das ist einfach kein normaler Umschlag....selbst wenn ich nichts mehr davon weiß..nicht mehr das Bild vor Augen hab wie dieser Umschlag in meinen Besitz gekommen ist...

Aber irgendwie hat jeder von uns etwas, wovon er sich nicht trennen mag....

Die Hoffnung irgendwann noch einmal einen Augenblick zu teilen, ist nach wie vor da.
Vielleicht sollte ich mich auf diesen Moment freuen...aber solange dieser Moment ungewiss ist, kann man sich darauf nicht freuen?

Nun C'est la vie.

全てが 二度と戻らないのは
分かってるけど だけどせめて

Freitag, 8. Juni 2012

[Hideki's ameblo] 2012-06-08 / 02:58:58

2012-06-08 / 02:58:58
Title: Thank you for today

As expected, it was passionate!
Just came back from the aftershow.
I was moved at the end of the LIVE at the time of "Koe ni..."
Thank you always.
I am glad to be a musician.

Now, the announcement of the tickets presale for the SHIBUYA BOXX LIVE on 23th September (Sunday)

【Time limit】6/9(Saturday) 12:00 ~ 6/18 (Monday) 18:00
(※PC and MOBILE)

Today I am going to fall asleep right away.
Good night.


original entry

Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2012

[Hideki's ameblo] 2012-06-06 23:05:30

2012-06-06 / 23:05:30
Title: Morning!

Alright! Tomorrow I will do it!
Tomorrow, please don't be late, everyone.
If you come too late to the START, you will miss out to hear 

a very heavy cryable ballad!!
Meguro is the starting point.
That's why I will also be cool and dandy there.
All of you girls should become crazy!!
All of the boys...well what about them? They will probably hate it a little bit maybe...

Last time I might have been nervous because it's been a while since I had a live,
that's why I forgot to record a video, but tomorrow I will definitely do it!!
But, I can't upload it here right?
There are also people who can't see mixi right?
Ah that! There is youtube!!
Don't be late tomorrow....

Bye! See you later!!

original entry

[Hideki's ameblo] 2012-06-06 / 17:54:58

2012-06-06 / 17:54:58
Title: Tomorrow is the extra live.

Just finished producing (laughs)
Now Imamura Hideki is waiting to surpass the wall of one genre tomorrow.
Personally I am looking forward to it even more now.
Now I am going to bed so that I will be fit
for tomorrow coz it will for sure become a live with an oxygen deficit.
Good night.

original entry


Sorry for not being uptodate lately. Had stessful exhausting weeks full with work.
But Now I have some days off the next days so I hope I can finish all left updates.

Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012

[Hideki's ameblo] 2012-06-03 / 16:59:56

2012-06-03 / 16:59:56
Title: Went to see a play
I went to see Amon Miyamoto's version of "Salome"
It was the first the time that I saw a play by Amon Miyamoto.
Was pretty enjoyable, unexpectely awesome

or perhaps I should say grotesque.
Yeah I learnt something.
Changing the topic. Everyone perfectely remembered 

the title "Cleopatra ni dakarete" (Hugged by Cleopatra).
Yes Yes...

That has a big impact on me....
Honestly, inside of me it's a feeling which pretty much came down to me

but it has no connection to the lyrics at all (laughs)
I like it but I think the surroundings will rather say
something like "Let me go! / Glve me a break!" ...
It's interesting that the sound in Uguisudani is totally different from ROCK. [1]
Also I didn't expect that I am able to say such stuff in a song at all,
so it has become kinda odd.
There were also a lot of people who came to see the live from far away.
Thank you.

orginal entry

[1] Uguisudani is the place / location of the Kinema Club..or rather I should say that the train station of Uguisudani is pretty close to the Clubhouse.. that's why hideki probably also called it Uguisudani? well well..there are things in this world I don't get anyway XD

[Hideki's ameblo] 2012-06-03 / 01:02:05

2012-06-03 / 01:02:05
Title: Thanks for today

It's annoying that I couldn't reach the odd spaces
because my microphone cable was too short.  (laughs)
I was pretty moved when I heard
everyone's singing of Koe ni... beyond my in-ear monitor.
Thank you.
Will try to work even harder.

original entry