Dienstag, 6. November 2012

How to listen to radio channels on Radiko.jp from abroad.

There are moments when you think, Japan is pretty cruel for not even letting you listen to specific famous radio channels in which your dearest artists appear once in a while.
In the past I used to use keyhole tv for such issues...
But then some days ago I realized...keyhole tv has no TOKYO FM anymore but I need tokyo fm because there will be my lovely Hideki on it in November! Screwed I thought because I knew radiko.jp is my only option...an option which doesn't work from abroad!

Although radiko.jp has all these nice radio channels...
  • Nack5
  • bayfm78
  • Fm Yokohama84.7
  • J-WAVE
So I thought....

Normally when you enter radiko.jp from abroad, you will land on a website like this...

Too bad. You are not able to listen to anything because your IP is not located in Japan but
in my case "UNKNOWN GERMANY" !!
So what we know...what always helps is...finding a japanese proxy and then it should work.
Well at first I thought..no way..I am too lazy to search for japanese proxys all the time which make me able to listen to japanese radio channels.....
but then I remembered this FIREFOX ADDON which we have to use in Germany for some years already to be able to watch most of  youtube videos...(that's another topic however)

He we go...STEALTHY!!

So after you have installed it...
there will appear a little bird alike red button on the top right of your firefox window.

click on the arrow on the right of the button and click on "preferences"
Then a window like this will appear

but for us...the only important line is the last one
"Connect to internet as if you were in the following country (select one)

Type in "JP" or "Japan" it doesn't really matter..but make sure that you have marked the last option with the blue bullet..and then press ok.

now your last task will be..clicking on the red bird button (still deactivated) so that it will change to green (activated)

After that..you should be allowed to browse on radiko.jp

Screen should look like this.

Now you can choose a channel you want to listen to and tada. we are finished.
An advice I have for you. Browsing through the internet with a japanese ip via stealthy will be horribly slow..so after you have decided on a channel, to listen to..you can just turn off stealthy again by clicking on the button. You will still be able to listen to the radio channel and have all access like changing the channels without stealthy being turned on.

Another thing. Sometimes radiko.jp won't work for you right away..that's because the site is probably saved in your cache..so you just need to reload the website..then it should work.