Dienstag, 15. Juni 2010
So nah und doch so fern
Hmm. Man kanns auch pure langeweile mit nen grossen schuss unwissenheit und nen spritzer wut nennen, aber diesen spritzer versuch ich zu unterdruecken solange ich nichts weiss. Und dann dieses staendige hin und her. Wenn etwas beendet ist, steht gleich was neues am naechsten tag an.das leben ist wirklich voller nervige dinge die man so tag fuer tag durchlaeuft. Und dann hat man noch nicht mal etwas auf das man sich freuen kann. Ermuedend.
If i could i would kill off the comment writing for this but i cant with my phone here, so... It still hurts. I knew before i did it that i would feel like this for a long time but still i couldnt resist. So here i am feeling bad everytime i see him. I am asking me how i could do such a thing. Always asking myself why i do enjoy the risk and hurt those who are the most important to me. Serious problem coz in the end it hurts me too :(
Sonntag, 13. Juni 2010
My pc died! Once again after 2 years it died. Annoying :( the doctor said its either the processor or the the board in general who knows. I think he formated my drive @.@ i somehow heard something about xp. Keep your crappy xp for youself! I need win7! Coz xp is horrible for my wlan card driver + its annoying for japanese purpose. God, writing on this cellphone is horrible too. Well well lets see how much the shit costs etc. Apart from that i need to buy also a laptop next month
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