Well Geo found it..anyway its form 2007..but I somehow found it funny...the fun fact is..how small that other guy whoever he is looks like next to him XDDDDD
Thinking of that...It's TIM on the right *__* the Hideki x Tim love existed even then! It's not a dead shipping XD
but that guy is really small.:I wonder how tall he is o_o he must be even smaller than myself...about..I don't know...1,60m or something probably :O anyway..sorry for the rant. I don't bring much colour to your flist XD
And I noticed that the kpop period on my flist also stopped some months ago. It's like back then there were everyday spams about them..but now...it's like no one is spamming anything anymore. People got tired of livejournal maybe. But don't worry..I will continue spamming you with my delusional fangirl shit :D
Which reminds me of. Siam Shade finally overtook Kanjani in my last fm. I never thought it would happen. Of course that doesn't mean anything in particular. Somehow it feels this will be a sad Kanjani year but I am not whining no. It's like..I can even fangirl about "dead" bands so even if there is not much happening..it's okay. There is still everyday stuff which you can fangirl about..even if it means..search deeeeeply
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