Rank 15 - Loveless
Uuh I thought the anime was quite cute..although it was probably mainly for shounen ai lovers
but it was cute..thinking about it now it reminds me of some other rl people..lol
but not gay ones.. but the series was cute enough I think I watched it one night ♡ but it was too short. ^^;
Thought the plot was very interesting and different, although I wasn't pretty fascinated by the animation itself. I would consider it out of age...don't get me wrong but I think it's impossible these days for mangakas as well to draw their characters in a style which was used 20 years ago. People won't like it..at least not the youth of today..so it won't be successful either. That's probably also the reason why everything looks almost the same these days. Anyway..back to the anime...I thought it seriously deals with an important topic..unfortnately I had the feeling that the watcher should feel empathy for the Hikikomori..although it's a serious problem..in the anime it somehow looks like it's something normal and not much weird at all. Well for people like me who watches animes..or otakus..or people who like to stay at home..it's normal..but it's somehow sad that ..let's imagine..otaku hikokomori by themself will watch this and think their life is alright like this. I mean the anime ends differently but who of those Hikokomori will change his lifestyle? + the girl is really annoying I thought :/
Rank 13 - Ai no Wakakusa Monogatari
(better known as Eine fröhliche Familie XD)
uwaaaaah love that one ♥
So ist das heute, so war das damals ♪ schön war die zeit aber nicht immer leicht ♬
Aaaaw!!! Zero ♡ Another crush XD If I think about..I never liked the anime boys with blond or grey hair..it's always been the ones with brown or black her.
Technically many people said it's overrated...yeah it probably is because it was too short to show anything. It seemed finished half assed without much to happen. It just seemed like showing the beginning of a long story...which were never showed at all coz it was over then XD
The opening was pretty half-assed though...lol
The opening was pretty half-assed though...lol
Rank 11 - Robin Hood no Daibouken
Robin my hero!! You know I had a crush on him too! And what's even scarier is the fact that even like 10 years ago I still remembered him being nice with goodlooking hands..I just remembered his hands and his bow but not his size of face...and then when I got internet and looked it up again I was shocked!! Because he looked so different >_< Well actually...he looked the same as he did when I watched him like in..1995 or something? Idk xD
Anyway liked the series a lot as well..just a pity that the german bgm of the anime wasn't the original bgm..so the japanese OST is totally useless for me...:/
Don't say anything about my Robin..or I will hang ya!
Du bist ein kleiner großer Held ♥
Du bist ein kleiner großer Held ♥
Q_Q Eine fröhliche Familie und Robin Hood sind so weit hinten im Ranking?!